
AssisTech at GaTech


Make something that means something

In the summer of 2017, I and eight other students met during a class for rehabilitative assistive technology. We became close friends, and in the Fall of 2017, we decided to begin the process of founding a club on campus focused on bringing together students all across campus to create assistive devices. In the Spring of 2018, we became an official organization!

Pictured(left to right, top to bottom): Clifford Tribble, Anna Taute, Steven Pubillones, Nick Evans, Oliver Daliet, Nathan Zottnick, Rebecca Zielinski, Ching Lu, and Jenniver Vo

What We Do

AssisTech’s mission on campus is to teach students campus about assistive technology and rehabilitative devices through design thinking and rapid prototyping. The club was inspired by the lack of affordable assistive devices and support for broken products.

AssisTech gets involved with clients in Atlanta by volunteering at their events, creating devices for them, and fixing broken items. We also bring industry professionals to speak at our meetings and lead activities, which help our members understand our impact and network in the community.

The formation of the club wouldn’t have happened if we did not become close friends, so we host membership activities during the semester for our members to engage with each other and develop friendships.

My Roles

Fall 2018 - Spring 2019: President

I was nominated to become the President of the club for our second year. With the help of the entire executive board, we increased membership activity, promoted campus identity, and formed a stronger relationship with our main client Lekotek of Georgia.

Fall 2017 - Spring 2018: Director of Projects

When the club was started, I took on the role as the Director of Projects. My responsibilities included leading project groups through the design process, obtaining prototyping materials, and training students to safely use the equipment.